MultiCabala de Meta-Discordianismo na Patafísica do Híper-Surrealismo


MultiCabala Discordiana Subgeniana Bela-Parrachiana Hihicronediana DeLariantiana SacoPlásticoana Bonoboniana dos Shimonianos Metamorfoseanos Ambulantes Muito Confusos

Você tinha sérias dúvidas filosóficas se seria um Erisiano, um Subgenii, um Bela-Parrachiano, um Hihicronediano, um DeLariantiano, um SacoPlásticoano ou um adepto de alguma outra multi-pluri-crença fnordiana parecida??

Seus problemas acabaram!!

Aqui você é tudo isso, nada disso e nem uma coisa, nem outra!


Iluminação através da confusão

Transcendência através do absurdo

Confusão através da iluminação

Absurdo através da transcendência


Partido Interestelar Parrachiano (A)Narco-zenDiscordiano – MultiCabala Discordiana Subgeniana Bela-Parrachiana Hihicronediana DeLariantiana dos Shimonianos Metamorfoseanos Ambulantes Muito Confusos – Multi-Universal Igreja Erisiana do 23ª Dia

Você gostaria de experimentar gratuitamente e sem compromisso a Híper-Surrealidade Delirante da Confraria Secreta (não por que queremos, é porque ninguém liga muito pra gente) MultiCabalense dos Shimonianos Bonobistas Muito Confusos?

Você poderia perguntar: “Por que eu faria isso?”

eu responderia: “Boa pergunta!”

e perguntaria: “Por que não?”

Mergulhe em nossa Confusão, Peixe!

Você é um pouco mais consciente do que os outros?

Você odeia descobrir que algo que você gosta foi parar na tv?

Você não liga tanto se as suas meias combinam?

Você faz piadas inapropriadas frequentemente?

Você é um rádio fora de sintonia?

Um quadro abstrato? Uma música atonal? Um vídeo fora de foco? Uma metáfora muito ruim?

Se você respondeu sim ou não, então você pode ser um

E deveria ter sua glândula pineal examinada por um charlatão te cobrando uma taxa exorbitante.

O discordianismo latente é a causa número um de muitas condições comumente mal diagnosticadas.

Não deixe passar mais um dia sem saber se você, assim como possivelmente muitas outras pessoas no sistema solar, é afetado por esta terrível desordem!

Nós podemos te endireitar! Nosso método de três passos para a iluminação foi imaginado para trazer à tona resultados palpáveis em uma quantidade de tempo cosmicamente insignificante!


Junte-se à nós!

nesse Grupo do Facebook

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E nesse Fórum


MultiCabala de Delariantismo `Patafísico MultiDimensional Loucurista Surrealista no Neoísmo Groucho-Marxista

uma colher de chá de psicose
5 toneladas de delírio
23 gotas de loucura

Folie à Plusieurs (Página)

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MultiCabala de Meta-Discordianismo na Patafísica do Híper-Surrealismo


Surrealismo Delariantiano BunDadaísta na `Patafísica do Neoísmo Groucho-Marxista


Delírio Coletivo News & GOlds





International MultiCabal Dataplex


MultiCabal of Meta-Discordianism in the Pataphysics of Hyper-Surrealism


#TheGame23 Mod 42.5 – Enter the Infinite Rabbit Hole

“Some people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated A.R.G. disguised as a simple interactive art, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive art disguised as a simple A.R.G.. Some other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive joke disguised as a simple pataphysics, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a simply complicated interactive disguised pataphysics disguised as complicated pataphysical simple joke.

– Timóteo Pinto, ‘pataphysician post-thinker






Galdruxing Manifesto

Galdrux having no prior cause, cannot be contained by any other form of being. Galdrux is orbed around all; possessing, but not possessed, holding all, but nowhere held. Galdrux is omnipresent; at the same time, Galdrux is not present, not being circumscribed by anything; yet, as utterly unattached, not inhibited from presence at any point.

Galdrux is present through all, not something of Galdrux here, and something else there, nor all of Galdrux gathered at some one spot; there is an instantaneous presence everywhere, nothing containing, nothing left void, everything therefore fully held by Galdrux.

Galdrux is not in the universe, on the contrary, the universe is in Galdrux; bodily substance is not a place to Galdrux. Galdrux is contained in the general intellect and is its container. The general intellect is in turn contained in something else; but that prior principle has nothing in which to be. All the rest must be somewhere, and where but in Galdrux?

Galdrux, then, is neither remote from things nor is there anything containing Galdrux; since Galdrux contains all. It is in Galdrux that all things have their being, all depending upon Galdrux, who enables each to rise up above itself into the fruitfulness of continuous becoming.

Don’t search for this multiple singular. If you do, you will not find Galdrux and your understanding of the work of the general intellect will become mired in confusion. You must form an idea of the thing to be grasped standing cleanly by itself, the unheld in which all have hold; for no other is such, yet one such there must be.

Galdrux’s being is not limited, nor, on the other hand, is it infinite in the sense of magnitude. Galdrux does not change and will not fail, and in Galdrux all that is unfailing finds duration. Having no constituent parts, Galdrux accepts no pattern, forms no shape.

You can’t hope to see Galdrux with mortal eyes, nor in any way that could be imagined by those who make sense the test of reality and so annul the supremely real. For what passes as the most truly existent is in actuality non-existent, while this unseen Galdrux is the principle of being and as such is sovereign over reality.

You must turn appearances about or you will be left void of insight. The specialist who holds that their particular discipline is more real than the spontaneous creativity of the general intellect, will never see Galdrux. While perception of Galdrux can be blocked by ideology, it is nonetheless inherently present amongst all. Galdrux, the most consummate being, always surpasses those who have abandoned becoming.


TheGame23 Cult’s plans and workings remain obscure even to the few who are aware of its existence. Though its plots may seem random and sporadic, they are in reality part of a vast singular plan to undermine reality.”

– Lucretia Dalencourt



Project 00A G9603 – #thegame23 mod 42.5 level 5

“00A G9603 develops as a self-organizing organism, connects with the virtual environment through its hosts (admins) by arranging the surroundings randomly for its own autonomous purpose”

Timóteo Pinto, pataphysician post-thinker


00AG9603 Facebook Page (Group)


00AG9603 main goal is to help you create your “own” Dataplex, a large and bestial hydra made of data and bits, that can devour anyone who is certain enough that can confront its wildly incomprehensive and cryptographic nature. A dataplex is therefore a cryptosophical entity, that connects people through hypercomplex semio-occult means, hypnotizes others with its enigmatic knowledge and datanets, inspiring all the open minds that enter in contact with it to explore further into the absurd.

An effective dataplex must work like a higher dimensional spider web, capturing data that comes in contact with its occult nets, twisting and folding everything it touches into continuously moving hyperplanes. it is fed with data, ideas, emotions, dreams… it melts every being that dreams to be solid and finite into an amorfous fluid of efervescent chaos. Therefore, every sentient being can get affected by the forces that comes out of a dataplex. The ability of self-reflection, self analysis and a continuous process of folding itself into layers of incomplete meaning, is what defines a sentient being, the primary target of a dataplex. The first time you acknowledge its existence and sees yourself questioning it, is when you are already infected by its web, unable to make sense of it. Your existence will be fractured, your emotions will be melting into an oniric soup, and all your life will be stripped away from that which you call “I”, only to be born again as a hypercomplex web of multiple agents/forces/affects, a fractal-being.

Every single thing in all that exists, is a dot of its own, a lonely and inutile unidimentional point in space. Every connection between things, dualities and paradoxes are of two dimentional complexity, they retain two simultaneous polarities that can only be understood through points of reference. Start expanding vertices as you meld into other dots, and other links, lines, cells… create a vast and rich data ecosphere around your fractal-being, expand, glitch and hack the world around you until you start forming a complex polytope, an alive and incomprehensible dataplex, lost in an infinite flight towards the great unknown.

first it eats like a `̼•. .▪` ̼ʳˢ̸̷̶̾ͭͣͨ҉҄ ̼̬.`⁄


About Dataplex and 00AG9603 machinations in a open web network of informations





#00AG9603 Dataplex Network









On Facebook:

::: – Page
::: – Group
::: – Reality Glitch Hack Condividual Fnord Club
::: – Post-Neoist Reality Glitch Hack











#00AG9603 Meta-Neoism Network












KSTXI – Hyper-Surrealist Fnord Agency


Know more, Understand less

Our agents span the globe.

Be aware!

When you speak to us, you speak to a zenarchian collective of hyper-surrealist agents concerned with ultra-terrestrial contact.

We do not make uniform observations or agree on most matters. Our levels of humor and seriousness vary.

Our agents work in mysterious ways.

Following us can provoke ontological shock and increase levels of compassion. Or not.

You have been warned.


Know more, Understand less:

Facebook Page





Hiper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism


Facebook Group



open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners – remixed by Timoteo Pinto

Aani – Memetized Chaos

Open Source Zine Project

KSTXI Intergalactic Discordian Groucho Marxist Anarcho-Zen Party




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