Amour Fou – Folie à Pleasures – KSTXI Pataphysical Onanastic Guide of The Hermetic hEreCtic Society of the Onanastic Hand


KSTXI Pataphysical Onanastic Guide of The Hermetic hEreCtic Society of the Onanastic Hand 

Guia `Patafísico Onanástico da S.H.I.M.O. – Sociedade Hermética Iniciática da Mão Onanástica




Amour Fou

“In the sphere of mad, elective love, woman, the path of reconciliation between man and nature, is ADORED. The surrealists are, in this particular, modern heirs of the romantics. In fact, women maintain, by their biological composition and millennial social formation, much more expressive than man, a way of life more innocently linked to mystery and magic. The woman’s beauty, a promise of happiness, is a living attempt on the “performance principle” of the affluent society, as well as the emphasizes the frankfurtian Herbert Marcuse in Eros and Civilization. “

“Na esfera do amor louco, eletivo, a mulher, via de reconciliação do homem com a natureza, é ADORADA. Os surrealistas são, neste particular, herdeiros modernos dos românticos. De fato, a mulher mantém, pela sua composição biológica e formação social milenar, em medida muito mais expressiva que o homem, uma forma de vida mais inocentemente ligada ao mistério e à magia. A beleza da mulher, promessa de felicidade, é um atentado vivo ao “princípio de desempenho” da sociedade afluente, como bem o enfatiza o frankfurtiano Herbert Marcuse em Eros e Civilização.“

Timóteo Pinto, pataphysician post-thinker




The Hermetic Society of the Onanastic Hand

The Hermetic Society of the Onanastic Hand is the only mistery school where you will receive true occult knowledge through the Highly Recommended Masters (H.R.M.).

We have the audacity of ignorance, we are always aware of the latest wrong informations, but that does not stop us from saying that here you will learn everything you already knew about NOTHING!


“The song of the birds… as singular as aphrodisiac, sex… yes, the cataclysmic flying of the Canadian weather, of the United States birds, and the floating of the sea breeze, brother blissett will still know our boat. Sex, sometimes this, sometimes that, sometimes this, is destined by the genital relationship-contact, naked contact with erogenous zones between two or more beings, which may or may not lead to jouissance, or to the energetic peak and its subsequent decrease. While two multiple and singular beings in their unique diversity, the contact between two partners or the contact with oneself (of two parts of one’s personality) attributes to the partner an onanastic Shimonian character, which masturbates itself sexually, produces a multiple sexual contact.
This leads us to indigenous experiences of bio-energetic organismic proliferation of plants through sex close to them, and this sex-influence character-flowering can be pervaded to humans… sexual contact in an open-closed enclosure can lead to large sexual-masturbatory waves. Instead of closing in a room, Timoteo Pinto should nevertheless open the doors and practice intercourse with himself as a star, I can evoke dream and fantasy and make these promises real because the degenerative psychosis of my personality is, in effect, the multiplication of sexual evolution as a incestuous-uncertain chain.
Doing incest with himself, as a member of the same condividual family, Timoteo Pinto creates the orgy, for there are many and none. So he becomes what he always was, a sacred villain in the history of a winged pig, called Timóteo Pinto Harashinga.”


S.H.I.M.O. (Sociedade Hermética Iniciática da Mão Onanástica)

A S.H.I.M.O. é a única escola de mistérios onde você receberá o verdadeiro conhecimento oculto através dos Mestres Altamente Recomendáveis (M.A.R.).

Temos a audácia da ignorância, estamos sempre a par das últimas informações erradas, mas isso não impede de afirmar que aqui você aprenderá tudo o que já sabia sobre NADA!

Deixe de Ler o Kalma Surta, o Livro das Transmigrações Shimonianas

E participe da L’armata da ConsPiração da

MultiCabala Discordiana Subgeniana Bela-Parrachiana Delariantiana `Patafísica dos Shimonianos Muito Confusos
Você tinha sérias dúvidas filosóficas se seria um Erisiano, um Subgenii, um Bela-Parrachiano, um Hihicronediano, um Delariantiano ou um adepto de alguma outra crença fnordiana parecida??

Seus problemas acabaram!!

Aqui você é tudo isso, nada disso e nem uma coisa, nem outra!


MultiCabal of the Very Confused

Did you have serious philosophical doubts as to whether you would be an Erisian, a Subgenii, a Belle-Parrachian, a Hihicronedian, a Delariant, or an adherent of some other similar Fnord Beliefs?

Your problems are over!!

Here you are all this, none of it, and Neither This nor That!



Tyranical Temple of the Sacred Silyness

Making the World Mad with the Laughter of the Sacred Silycron one pineal gland at a time…

I, His Holiness NincomPope Nonsensicleez Oddball Flumox the Questionable The Invincible Nasty Hermit, Most Divine Empirical Pedagogical Wizard, Supreme Chaosopher of the Society for the Pathologically Anti-Authoritarian, Keeper of the Sacred Khao, Grand High Scepticum of the TTTSS esq hereby announce the Sacred Sillycrons discovery and This Temple is Erection’d in its honor. If you wish to unlock its mysteries then join us! the whole Material Universe is exclusive property of Eris Discordia Goddess of Chaos, Confusion, Strife, Helter-Skelter and Hodge-Podge. No Spiritual power is even strong enough to dent Her chariot fenders. No material force can resist the temptation of Her Fifth Intergalactic Bank of the Acropolis Slush Fund for Graft and Corruption



KSTXI Hyper-Surrealist Fnord Agency


Our agents span the globe.

Be aware!

When you speak to us, you speak to a zenarchian collective of hyper-surrealist agents concerned with ultra-terrestrial contact.

We do not make uniform observations or agree on most matters. Our levels of humor and seriousness vary.

Our agents work in mysterious ways.

Following us can provoke ontological shock and increase levels of compassion. Or not.

You have been warned.


Know more, Understand less:

KSTXI Hyper-Surrealist Fnord Agency Portal




KSTXI Reality Glitch Hack Network

KSTXI Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism Conspiracies


#TheGame23 – Enter the Infinite Rabbit Hole

“Some people say that #thegame23 is a complicated A.R.G. disguised as a simple interactive art, other people say that #thegame23 is a complicated interactive art disguised as a simple A.R.G.. Some other people say that #thegame23 is a complicated interactive joke disguised as a simple pataphysics, other people say that #thegame23 is a simply complicated interactive disguised pataphysics disguised as complicated pataphysical simple joke.

– Timóteo Pinto, ‘pataphysician post-thinker


Bundinha – ASSBUTT Brazil

A Associação dos Bobalhões Espiritualistas, Ligados à Verdade e Confiança (ASSBUTT, em Inglês, carinhosamente ‘Bundinha’, no Brasil), é uma aliança diplomática de Discordianos, Dudeístas, Pastafarianos, Sub-genius, e qualquer tipo de Cultistas Bobalhões, unindo-se para o propósito de muitas risadas e festas loucas, que podem ou não ser iniciação cultista.

The Association of Silly Spiritualists, Bonded in Truth and Trust (ASSBUTT) is a diplomatic alliance of Discordians, Dudeists, Pastafarians, Subgenius, and any other assorted silly cultists, joined together for the purpose of many laughs and crazy parties which may or may not be cult initiations. Proceed at your own risk, two drink minimum.


Reality Glitch Hack Post-Neoism Tudismocroned Bulldada Network


KSTXI Bulldada makes the fnords grow and that is Slackroned


Reality Glitch Hack on Pinterest

Reality Glitch Hack on Reddit



What is not? Bulldada is the nearly unexplainable label for that mysterious quality that impregnates ordinary things with meaning for the SubGenius no matter how devoid of value they may appear to The Others. Seeing in the vivisecting light of bulldada, we recognize that the most awe-inspiring artifacts of our civilization are not the revered artsy-fartsy pieces of “culture” displayed in our swankest art museums, universities and concert halls – as the Conspiracy would have us believe! – but are instead to be found in such icons as low-budget exploitation movies, lurid comic books, all-nite TV, sleazy Paperbacks of the Gods, certain bizarre billboards and pulp magazine ads, and literally any other fossil of raw humanity in all its shit-kickingly flawwed glory.


tudismocroned ::: bulldada network :::



In Facebook (group)






#thegame23 – Enter the Rabbit Hole

“Some people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated A.R.G. disguised as a simple interactive art, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive art disguised as a simple A.R.G.. Some other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive joke disguised as a simple pataphysics, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a simply complicated interactive disguised pataphysics disguised as complicated pataphysical simple joke.
– Timóteo Pinto, ‘pataphysician post-thinker






Call yourself Timoteo Pinto/Sarah Gulik/Lucretia Dalencourt/Tae Ateh! Do everything in the name of Meta-Discordian-Post-Neoism!


Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism Conspiracies


Synchromystic Neoism Connections


You Too Can Be Timóteo Pinto and/or Sarah Gulik and/or Lucretia Dalencourt – Everyone Can!


Timoteo Pinto – International Underground Superstar

Call yourself Timoteo Pinto! Do everything in the name of Meta-Discordianism!?!

open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners психический 工人委 — Remixed by Timoteo Pinto





::: – Group

::: – Reality Glitch Hack Condividual Fnord Club – Timoteo Pinto’s Friends



Sarah Gulik – Erisian Underground Superstar Amour Fou Muse

Sarah Gulik is everything you want and do not want her to be, and a little more!

There is not a single person with an ego less inflated than Sarah Gulik. Once they asked Sarah who was the best Brazilian writer, and she said Sarice Gulispector. This lead to questions over the credibility of the first affirmation.


Lucretia Dalencourt, a non-existent existence

Lucretia Dalencourt is a non-existent existence who acknowledges anything and everyone, basically what gods were supposed to do or what we should be supposed to do with ourselves but no one knows how because everyone is lost.




Amour Fou – Folie a Pleasures

KSTXI Pataphysical Onanastic Guide of The Hermetic hEreCtic Society of the Onanastic Hand

Olimpo Forum



Contact Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Memes Illuminati Cabal



Radio K-oti-K

The Best of Goddesspell Music!



Meta-Discordianism Libraries:

Discordian Online Library of the M.M.M.

D.I.S.L.I.B. – Discordian Internet Society’s Library of Interesting Books


Entenda mais e compreenda menos nesses links:

Know more and understand less on these links:


Tek-Gnostics Net: Blows Against the Empire 5 – intelligence engineering


The Kiss of Creation – The alchemical ‘coniunctio oppositorum’ in the Rosarium Philosophorum including a short history of ‘sacred marriage’ (ritual) symbolism in ancient Near-East texts and Valentinian Gnosticism.


The Game of Life – Timothy Leary with Robert Anton Wilson

— KSTXI Intergalactic Discordian Groucho Marxist Anarcho-Zen Party


Worshipping Life Rather Than Death


PornCult Manifesto


Naked Therapy


Joyce and Tao


#TheGame23 – Enter the infinite Rabbit Hole



Synchromystic Neoism Connections


Project 00AG9603

#TheGame23 Mod 42.5 level 5

ForumFacebook – Twitter


Bonobismo, a salvação da humanidade!


Delírio Coletivo / Loucura Lúcida


>(((º>  ::: Mergulhe na Confusão, Peixe! Dive in this Confusion, Fish!  ::: <º)))<



Amour Fou on Olimpo:
